Most of these are meant to supplement, not replace, maintenance manuals such as the Clymer or Haynes. It is strongly suggested that you purchase one of these for any maintenance work.
- Adjust Idle
- Adjust Clutch (Also mentioned in Front Sproket Cover Removal )
- Adjust Headlight
- Air Filter
- Battery?
- Brake Fluid : Replacing( or youtube video
- Brakes: Brake Pads
- Check Valve Clearances
- Chain: Lube
- Chain: Adjust Tension
- Cam Chain Tensioner(
- Fixing Common Carb Issues
- Carbs Float Height Check
- Carburetor Float Height Adjustment
- Carburetor Synchronization
- $5 Carb Sync
- Drive Chain Guide?
- Change Hoses?
- Front Sprocket Cover Removal
- Fork Oil change
- Engine Oil change
- Spark Plugs
- Tire Pressure and Condition
- Wheel Alignment